Prof. David Esseni
NanoElectronic Devices and Circuits (NEDeC)
University of Udine
David Esseni received the Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering from the University of Bologna (Italy) in 1999. During year 2000, he was a visiting scientist at Bell Labs – Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill (NJ-USA). In year 2013 he was a visiting professor at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA), supported by a Fulbright Research Fellowship. His research interests are mainly focused on the modelling, simulation and experimental characterization of novel nanoelectronics devices and materials, and on an early circuit assessment of emerging nanoelectronic technologies.
D. Esseni is a Fellow of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, and in 2013 he won a Fulbright Fellowship in the Research Scholar category. He was Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices from 2008 to 2017. He is co-author of the book “Nanoscale MOS transistors: Semi-classical transport and application”, Cambridge University Press. He was General Chair of SISPAD 2019 (held in Udine), and he is or has been part of the TPC of several internation conferences, including IEDM, IRPS, ESSDERC, SISPAD. He has been the principal investigator (PI) at the University of Udine for several research projects funded by the Italian MUR, by the European Union or by industries.